

Happy International Women’s Day

We are happy it’s International Women’s Day. How will you help forge a gender equal world? Show your support in fostering a gender equal world and call out inequality. Celebrate women’s achievement. Raise awareness against bias. Take action for equality. We…


Dear Students, We write to communicate the following decisions, taken by Management of our University College to you. Lectures for the first semester of the 2020/2021 Academic year will resume on 11th January, 2021 for all continuing students. The teaching…

New Year Message from the President, WIUC-Gh

The year 2020 started off on a wrong footing with the outbreak of the novel coronavirus. The outbreak of the pandemic came with its fear and uncertainty which required some spontaneous decisions and urgent action. In the midst of the…

WIUC-GH holds 13th Congregation Ceremony

Wisconsin International University College Ghana (WIUC-GH) held its 13th Graduation Ceremony where it graduated a total of 1027 students made up of 916 undergraduate students, 29 Diploma and 82 postgraduate students.  This year’s congregation was celebrated under very strict Covid…