police security seminar at Wisconsin

Ghana Police Engage Wisconsin University on Security, Crime and Terrorism

A team of police personnel from the Ayi Mensah divisional police command led by the District Commander Chief Superintendent Edward Tetteh and his District Crime Officer Emmanuel Offei Asante have engaged members of the Wisconsin International University College on the increasing terrorism and crime rate.

Chief Superintendent Edward Tetteh

The two took turns to educate the gathering on tips and guidelines on how to spot the various forms of crimes such as burglary, kidnap and terrorism and how to deal with such situation.

Wisconsin Staff

The personnel from the police service while assuring the gathering of the police protection admitted to such crimes being prevalent around us and the need for all to remain vigilant at all times. They proffered tips on actions one can take to avoid robbery and other forms of attacks: 

  • Ensure the routes to your house are limited.
  • Make sure your doors are all locked especially the back doors to the house.
  • Prune the hedges of your house to ensure people know you’re in your house all the time. The robbers use overgrown tree and leaves as hideouts.
  • IDs and stickers should be kept away from public view to hide our identities. This offers leads to robbers on what one does and work.
  • Don’t leave packages of our purchased gadgets in your dustbins…burn them. Robbers use that as cues to know what you have purchased
  • Don’t just invite any artisan you don’t know into your houses.
  • Don’t keep too much money on you in your house.
  • Don’t leave tools that can be used as weapons lying around in your houses such as knives, ladders, pieces of blocks etc. on your compounds.
  • Make your walls smooth and not so decorative to avoid attraction of thieves. Robbers sometimes use the decorations on fence walls as steps to climb the walls.
  • Try to as much as possible identifying or familiarizing yourself with people loitering about in your houses or neighborhood.
  • If you are robbed once, you are likely to be robbed again.
  • Robbers rob at day as much as at night.
  • Affix CCTvs and tracking devices in your cars and properties.
  • Don’t chase after robbers when they rob you or see them. You can be mistaken for a robber yourself.
  • Do not accept gifts and packages from known and unknown course.
  • Get used to your emergency numbers (191 / 18555) and where you can store them for easy retrieval.
  • Avoid Entertaining online friends… social media friendship.
  • Avoid giving your children phones which chips that can be used to make calls to their friends indiscriminately. Educate them as much as possible on how and when to use it if you must.
  • Establish a good relationship with your neighbors and be each other’s keepers.
  • Use Dogs as much as possible. It is better than other humans. (dogs cannot be compromised)
  • Do not build high structures very near your walls, especially ladders leading to your polytank close to windows..
  • Watch the kind of people in vehicles you want to board and avoid vehicles with all males if possible.
  • Form neighborhood associations in your community for security purposes.
  • Families must be careful with how they get their house helps. If you can avoid them, get them Identified by the police in your neighborhood just in case.
  • Police Numbers: 191, 1855
  • Introduce some high level cameras within the streetlights especially around residential areas to aid in the surveillance?

The audience also took turns to ask questions and make contribution bothering on their security.

The President of the University Professor Obeng Mireku expressed his appreciation to the police for the education and urged frequent interaction like these at short intervals with the police.

Articles: 176