ISSN (ISSN-L): 2026-5166
Megbetor, E. K. (2024).
Pension policies have implications on national budgets. Therefore, there is a need for countries aspiring for adequate protection of the aged to be assisted with comprehensive pension policies. A multi-pillar pension system proposed by the World Bank is designed to achieve this goal. This paper employs a narrative literature and document review approach to data gathering, following a thematic method of analysis to evaluate the pension systems of Chile, Mauritius, Singapore, and Ghana following the recommendations of the World Bank. The comparative study also explores pension challenges faced by these countries and mitigation measures adopted. Some of the findings include inadequate pensions, sustainability threats, pension inequality, investment risks, a lack of robustness, weak supervision, and labour market distortions. In addition, the system is not affordable to private-sector employers in some of the selected countries. The paper has developed a framework for developing countries to improve participation in funded pension schemes. Further recommendations made for pension systems of developing countries include effective monitoring and supervision, flexible and regular contribution
methods, ensuring the security of funds through multi-fund investment options, and introduction of automatic pension enrolment by setting a low amount affordable to the low-income worker. Where the population is aging, an extension of retirement age or maintaining workers on the job beyond retirement may be an option to improve the sustainability of funds.
Social Security; Income Security; Multi-Pillar Pension Systems; Pension System Challenges;
Pension System Reforms; Pension Models.
Kwainoe, M. E. E. (2024).
The marriage contract has been described, as a sanctimonious contract. However, the seeming sanctity that characterizes this contract is whittled away by the high incidence of divorce. In Ghana, the rate of divorce amongst marital couples is rife. Whiles social pundits and theologians, advance approaches to curtailing this societal issue, there is paucity of legal learning of a comparative character on marriage and divorces in Ghana. This paper attempts to fill the void. The paper considers the jurisprudence of the Ghanaian bench on divorces in Ghana. The paper delves into a critical introspection of the marital contract in Ghana, the various incidents of marriage and divorces. The paper argues that the judiciary, and the legislature, can through the instrumentality of law help curtail the prevalence of divorces in Ghana. The paper will bring to the fore the challenges associated with the current complexity of the law governing marriage in Ghana and highlight the need for a consolidation of the many facets of the law and the reform and codification, particularly of the law regulating the distribution of marital assets during the dissolution marriages. This work is important due to the constitutional requirement imposed on the Parliament of the Republic of Ghana to reform the law regulating the distribution of marital property through appropriate legislation. This work is the first of its kind by virtue of its keen focus on the
perspective of the judiciary who plays the vital role of interpreting and applying the law relating to marriage and divorce in Ghana.
Monogamous marriage; Divorce; Judiciary; polygamous marriages; marital property
Lartey, N. E., Gidi, C. E., & Akoto, O. O. (2024).
The aim of the study was to examine effects of procurement practices on organisational performance within the private sector, the case of volta river estate limited. Descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. A total of 120 staff were randomly selected from staff volta river estate limited representing management in: Production, Procurement, Finance and Sales and Marketing departments. An adapted questionnaire was used for the study. The study revealed that responded agreed to procurement practices. Procurement planning was the most practice by respondent and procurement ethical
procurement practice was the least practise by the respondents. Additionally, the findings of the study discovered that organisation carefully analyses the cost that they are buying goods and service, organisation focuses how much they spent, where, when, and why, and standards are followed to ensure good service delivery. Overall, responded agreed to organisational performance. The study found that procurement planning, ethical procurement practice, procurement performance measurement were positive predictors of organisational performance. Moreover, procurement planning has the highest prediction, followed by procurement performance measurement, and ethical procurement practice was the least predictor. The study concluded that procurement practice has an effect on organisational performance within the private sector. Procurement planning had the highest effect on organisational performance, whereas, the effect of procurement performance measurement, and ethical procurement practice on organisational performance was low within the private sector.
Procurement practice; Organisational behaviour; Private sector; Volta River estate limited.
Addy, E. & Ansong, E. (2024).
Governments are using the possibilities of information and communication technology to provide better services to citizens by breaking down bureaucratic hurdles, reducing corruption, and providing employees with the necessary technological tools to improve their performance. The paperless port system is one such invention. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of digitisation on the import clearance system at Tema Port as well as identify the factors that drive digitalisation with particular reference to UNIPASS/ICUM. The study was guided by the quantitative research approach. Purposive sampling was utilised to acquire data from 150 employees using questionnaires based on the study’s objectives. The data was analyzed using multiple regression analysis technique. It was discovered that using UNIPASS improved document processing at the Tema port, saved time, and reduced human participation. In relation to the factors that drive digitalization, it was discovered that formal and informal connection structures had a substantial negative influence on the adoption of the UNIPASS system to the port, whereas technological support infrastructure had a considerable positive relationship with the adoption of the system. As a result, the study recommends that an upgrade in technological support infrastructure at the Tema port will improve the UNIPASS system and optimise its benefits. The study’s
originality lies in it being one of the novel studies to examine the issue of digitalization at the Port of Tema with specific focus on the UNIPASS System.
Digitalization; Import Clearance process; Paperless Port system; Ghana.
Lartey, E. N., Gidi, C. E., & Offeibea, M. (2024).
The study investigated the impact of supply chain management practices on the operational performance of Obuasi Goldfields during the COVID-19 pandemic era. A descriptive cross-sectional survey was adopted for the study. A total of 108 staff were randomly selected from the total staff Obuasi Goldfields representing: Senior Managers, Managers, and Assistant Managers. The study purposively sampled staff who were present at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. A questionnaire was used for collecting data for the study. The results of the study revealed that information sharing level was the most practice, followed by strategic supplier, and customer relationship in terms of supply chain management practices in Obuasi Goldfields during covid-19 era. The study further discovered that supply chain management practices had an impact on operational performance at Obuasi Goldfields during covid-19 era. Based on the results it was concluded that information sharing level, strategic supplier partnership, and customer relationship were practiced as supply management practices at Obuasi Goldfields during Covid-19 era.
Management Practices; Operational Performance; Supply Chain; Covid-19 Pandemic and Optimal Performance.
Olanipekun, L. O., Okudero, G. O., Ukutegbe, S. O., & Akinwande, S. S. (2024).
This study examined Green Human Resource Management and Organisational Sustainability in Raw Materials Research and Development Council, Southwest, Nigeria. The study adopted the social exchange theory and stakeholders’ theory respectively. The study employed a descriptive research design focusing on the raw materials research and development council, southwest, Nigeria. The stratified and simple random sampling procedure was employed in selecting respondents for the study. Data gathered using a structured questionnaire were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistical analyses. Analysis of data from One hundred and sixty (160) participants revealed that the level of green recruitment and selection positively have significant relationship with economic sustainability; green training and development was also found to have significant relationship with environmental sustainability, and green compensation and reward system significantly shared a relationship with social sustainability. The study concludes that that organisations who practice green ideology using the three functions of HR are most likely to attract more and better applicants than those who do not. As a result, management firms should employ the usage of green information technology as an avenue for enhancing economic, environmental and social sustainability.
GHRM, Green Reward System, Environmental Sustainability, Organisational Sustainability.

ISSN (ISSN-L): 2026-5166
Megbetor, E. K. (2024)
The pension industry plays a critical role in ensuring old-age income security. If the elderly are not well catered for, it may lead to hardship and fiscal pressure on the government, with potential negative implications for the labour market, financial markets, savings, and overall economic growth. This research provides an economic analysis of the Ghanaian pension system, evaluating it in accordance with World Bank recommendations. The study sought to determine whether the pensions paid to beneficiaries are adequate, financially sustainable, and affordable. It also addressed the coverage of pension payments and explored the challenges in pension implementation in Ghana. The analysis utilized the World Bank Multi-Pillar Pension Evaluation Model. Telephone interviews were conducted to gather information from pensioners and pension fund managers, supplementing the secondary documents used. This research employed a qualitative approach using a thematic method of analysis. The main findings indicate that Ghana’s pension system provides inadequate pensions, faces sustainability threats, hinders equity, and reduces affordability for private-sector employers. Additionally, there are identified investment risks, a lack of robustness, weak supervision, and distortions in the labour market. However, the pension system is deemed predictable and contributes to economic growth. Recommendations for Ghana include setting a relatively low pension premium by managers to attract low-income earners and the creation and adoption of electronic contribution and payment systems to facilitate easy access and regular contributions.
Pensions; Social Security; Challenges of Pension Systems; Defined Benefits; Defined Contribution
Mantey, N. O., Nkrumah, R. C., & Traore, M. (2024)
Small and medium enterprise (SME) business owners often face challenges when adopting e-commerce strategies for product marketing. By leveraging e-commerce technology and tools, SME business owners have the potential to expand their customer base and enhance overall business performance. Using a quantitative method, this study aimed to investigate the factors influencing the adoption of e-commerce among SME businesses in the Ghanaian market, employing the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as its theoretical framework. The study involved twenty SME business owners in Ghana who had implemented e-commerce strategies for product marketing. Through the use of questionnaires, the research examined the drivers of e-commerce adoption among SMEs and explored the associated benefits, challenges, and strategies for ensuring successful adoption in the Ghanaian context. A key recommendation arising from the study is that SME business owners should implement robust security systems to safeguard against fraud or hacking. Additionally, it is essential for the management of e-commerce platforms to make substantial investments in information technology (IT) to develop infrastructure and enhance human capacities in support of e-commerce adoption. Furthermore, the findings suggest that e-commerce platform providers should focus on promoting the benefits of e-commerce to encourage other SMEs to adopt their services. The study also recommends that the government utilize legislative tools to establish a comprehensive regulatory framework supporting e-commerce, thereby safeguarding businesses and customers from potential hacking and fraud.
E-commerce; Marketplace; Globalisation; Information Communication Technology.
Annan, N. K., & Asiedu, C. Jnr. (2024)
In response to the significant advancements in digital learning, especially accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, this paper presents a focused investigation into the implications of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) on teaching and learning practices. A thorough literature review on e-learning, drawing from various researchers and educational institutions, sets the stage for this exploration. The study emphasizes the use of MOOCs as a pivotal component in supporting educational endeavours within academic settings. Adopting a quantitative research methodology, the paper analyzes data from 500 participants, including 450 students and 50 lecturers, primarily from Wisconsin International University College, Ghana. This analysis sheds light on the nature of course content, time allocation, preferred MOOC platforms, and pedagogical styles, as well as comparisons between popular free and paid platforms. The findings reveal a distinct preference among students for YouTube, an unstructured MOOC platform, while lecturers show a preference for Coursera, known for its hybrid approach. This dichotomy in platform preferences offers insights into the diverse ways MOOCs are being utilized in academic contexts.
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs); Digital Learning; E-Learning; Pedagogical Styles.
Agyemang, G. Y., Amekuadzi, B., & Ansong, E. (2024)
During the COVID-19 pandemic, an increasing number of people turned to e-commerce to purchase what they needed. Arguably, only a handful of studies have explored the effects of the pandemic on Ghana and Africa as a whole. The primary focus of the study is to investigate consumers’ perceptions of e-commerce enterprises in Ghana during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study utilized a quantitative design and adopted a positivism philosophy. Randomly, 200 staff and consumers of e-commerce firms in the Ga East Municipal District in the Greater Accra Region were surveyed for the study. The results were analyzed using multiple regression. The findings indicate that benefits, self-efficacy, and ease of use have a positive and statistically significant relationship with customer perception, whereas trust and security show no statistically significant relationship with customer perception. Furthermore, the study reveals that the COVID-19 pandemic had a positive effect on the operations of e-commerce firms. The recommendation is for firms to develop and establish a pandemic or emergency response strategy and policy to guide their response in terms of communication and business strategy. This proactive approach can help protect their firm and consumers, ultimately boosting growth and sustainability. Additionally, the government is encouraged to invest in ICT infrastructure and provide support to players in the ICT space through favourable tax and regulatory conditions. Such measures would incentivize investments in the sector and contribute to its growth.
E-commerce; Customer perception; Logistics operations; COVID-19.

ISSN (ISSN-L): 2026-5166
Annan, N. K, Mensah, S.A., & Barnor, J.N.B. (2023)
The study aimed at expanding the literature on parody and fraud by examining the dark side of parody accounts. To this end, we adopted a qualitative approach by interviewing twelve former and six active parody account handlers. Further we also covertly engaged fraud parody accounts while also entreating individuals who have had interactions with such people to voluntarily provide screenshots to unveil their modus operandi. We further adopted Miles and Huberman’s Qualitative Data Analysis Interactive Model to analyse data. Findings from the study indicate that parody is an essential part of the social media ecology with clear guidelines in the creation and management of such accounts. While individuals take advantage of this provision to build brands for themselves, others also ride on the anonymity provided by such to engage in fraudulent activities. This study deviates from previous studies on parody accounts as a satirical tool in politics and crisis to study the phenomenon in relation to fraud. Lastly, considering the scarcity of literature in this stead, this study serves as a starting point for researching the area of parody social media accounts and fraud.
Parody; Social media; Fraud; Twitter; Covert Research; Deceit
Agyei-Ababio, N., Ansong, E., & Kudjo, P. (2023)
Digital economy – the use of information technology in all aspects of the economy to support business processes – has become essential for the growth of many economies. Governments, especially in developing countries are now adopting the use of technology in their operations. This study sought to explore digitalized processes in revenue mobilization in Ghana. The research investigated the information technology solutions that have been used in revenue mobilization in an emerging economy. The study used a qualitative case study as a methodological stance. Data was collected from the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA), the agency in charge of revenue mobilization in Ghana. The findings of the study revealed that the information technology underpinning revenue mobilization in Ghana currently is known as the Total Revenue Integrated Processing System (TRIPS) which has recently been launched and deployed in many GRA offices to support tax administration. TRIPS supports a total regime of revenue collection and management including all direct and indirect taxes with its series of processing modules designed to support the business needs of the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA). The study contributes to the literature on Information Systems and revenue mobilization, which has seen very few studies conducted in Africa, especially in Ghana, and hence calls for more future studies on the use of e-revenue systems in developing countries.
Keywords: Digitalization; electronic revenue mobilization; E-government; Emerging economy; Total Revenue Integrated Processing System.
Kpodo, D.A., & Atsiatorme, L.D. (2023)
Chemical liquid wastes are generated as a result of teaching and research activities in science educational and science research institutions. It is however not immediately clear how these chemical liquid wastes are treated by schools and educational research institutions before they are discharged into drains. The study explored to what extent, chemical liquid waste was managed in the senior high schools and some research institutions in the Accra Metropolis. Again, the study sought to establish the means of disposal of chemical liquid waste in educational and research institutions in the Metropolis, and also ascertained the policy guidelines of the GES and GAST on the management of chemical liquid wastes in senior high schools in the Metropolis. The study which involved thirteen (13) Senior High Schools and five (5) educational research institutions employed a descriptive research design with questionnaires as instrument for data collection. The study revealed that chemical liquid waste was not properly managed from the institutions and recommends development of Educational Chemical Waste Management Guidelines by the GES and GAST and the monitoring of liquid chemical wastes generated by universities and research institutions by EPA.
Keywords: Chemical Wastes; Educational Institutions; Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); Ghana Association of
Science Teachers (GAST); Ghana Education Service (GES); Research Institutions.
Dhedheya, I., Dube, S.S., & Sanders, I. (2023)
Geographic Information System (GIS) can be used to enhance service delivery in local authorities through exploiting geographical features on the earth’s surface to efficiently and effectively manage, plan and maintain infrastructure. The proliferation and implementation of GIS has rapidly advanced in developed countries where as in developing countries, the utilisation of spatial technologies has proceeded at a slow pace. The goal of this research was to develop an adoption framework for GIS that can be employed by developing countries culminating in the delivery of quality service to ratepayers. The triangulation research design, which is the use of more than one approach for the investigation of the research questions, was used in this research. Data was analysed using content analysis that identified the emerging themes as well as SPSS for the quantitative data component. The study revealed that there is a link between GIS utilisation and service delivery. A proposed GIS adoption framework that was informed by research findings and literature review/documentary analysis of archival records was then developed. The proposed adoption framework has five important components that need to be addressed for the successful adoption of GIS in local authorities in developing countries. Recommendations on how local authorities in developing countries can successfully adopt/ implement GIS technology were made. Chief among the recommendations is for the local authorities to adopt e-governance, which has become a prominent and critical success factor as well as an important global element in the ease of doing business.
Keywords: GIS; Adoption Framework; Spatial Data; Local authorities.
Armah, I., Ansong, E., & Lartey, E.N. (2023)
This research examined how courier companies in Ghana use service assurances in their operations while serving consumers. It investigated how service reliability, responsiveness, certainty, and empathy impact customer satisfaction. In this study, a quantitative research technique was applied. Questionnaires were given to 120 customers from 10 Ghanaian local courier businesses to get first-hand information on internal procedures and consumer impressions of service guarantee. Correlation and regression analyses were used to investigate the impact of a variety of service quality parameters on customer satisfaction. All the traits, including reliability, responsiveness, certainty, and empathy, were found to be positively associated to customer
satisfaction. Again, the study found that courier companies in Ghana lack a systematic way to track the efficiency of their service guarantee initiatives, relying instead on user feedback. Furthermore, these Ghanaian courier firms concentrated on breakdowns while ignoring time and human mistakes, which account for most reported failures. Customers' reluctance to complaining says companies should take the initiative and respond to complaints swiftly. To improve their service, guarantee efforts, and ensure customer satisfaction after a service failure, couriers should create an automatic invocation guarantee policy and ensure that they monitor and respond to customer complaints.
Keywords: Service guarantee; Customer satisfaction; Service quality; Courier services.
Mensah, K.A., Ahiaxonu, E.E., & Twum, E. (2023)
The competitive nature of the 21st century business world has made it necessary for organizations to reconsider their approach in business operations likewise the structures with which they render their services. Hence, it has become a must for them to be flexible and adapt to changes in all their operations to enhance the performances of their employees with the ultimate goal to stay competitive as an organization. Using the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation as a case study, this study evaluates organizational change and its effect on employee performances. With convenience sampling, structured questionnaires were used to collect data from 278 respondents. Descriptive statistics and linear regression were used to analyze the data. The study showed that organizational changes done by the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation were primarily characterized by the establishment of new divisions that are capable of producing whatever the market require, peer-examination of the culture and habits of workers, and changing technology to suit business needs and technological advancements. Results also showed that together, structural change, strategic change and technological change contribute significantly to change in employee performance. However, findings made from examining the degree of these effects showed technological change as having the highest effect. This was followed by strategic change and structural changes accordingly.
Keywords: Employee performance; Organisational change; business strategy; media; public sector.