
WIUC-Ghana is governed by the following principal officers:

  1. Founder
  2. President
  3. Registrar

WIUC-Ghana is governed by a Governing Council and an Academic Board.

The composition of the Governing Council is as follows:

  1. Four representatives of shareholders, one of whom is the Chairman of the Council.
  2. The Principal.
  3. One representative of the University of Ghana.
  4. One representative of the University of Cape Coast.
  5. One representative of all other affiliate Institutions.
  6. One representative of Alumni.
  7. One individual invited by the Principal (in consultation with the shareholders) in their own capacity. 
  8. The SRC President

The following Boards / Committees serve under the Council.

  1. One representative of the staff of WIUC-Ghana.
  2. Academic Board.
  3. Appointments and Promotions Board.
  4. Finance Committee.
  5. Planning and Development Committee.

* The membership and functions of the various Boards and Committees are defined by the Statutes of the University.

Mr. Kwasi Tweneboa-Kodua Chairman
Justice Isaac D. Duose (Rtd) Member
Mr.  Thomas Baafi Member
Mrs. Esther Belinda Obetsebi-Lamptey Member
Prof. Anthony Panin Member
Mr. Benjamin Adu-Owusu Member
Mr. Jacob Kwaku Fynn Member
Mrs. Camilla A. Fynn-Acquah Member
Prof. Obeng Mireku (President) Ex-Officio
Mr. Philip Glah Secretary

Justice I. D. Duose (Rtd) (Chairman)

Prof. Obeng Mireku (President)

Mr. Nicholas S. K. Appiah (Member)

Dr. Joseph Mensah-Ansah (Member)

Prof. Rosemond Boohene (Member)

Prof. Olivia Kwapong (Member)

Dr. Vida Yakong (Member)

Mrs. Ivy Adjei Nketiah (Member)

Mr. James Aidoo (Member)

Mr. Oscar Jonas Tei-Mensah (Member)

Mr. Joel A. Idun -Acquah (Registrar/Secretary)


Prof. Obeng MirekuPresident
Dr. Lawrence A. KannaeVice President and Head, QAIRU
Prof. K. Sraku-LarteyVice President, Kumasi Campus
Mr. Joel A. Idun-AcquahRegistrar/Secretary
Mrs. Baaba CoffieSchool of Communication Studies
Dr. Peter A. WireduFaculty of Law
Dr. Albert GemegahSchool of Research and Graduate Studies
Dr. Emmanuel Acquah- SamFaculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Dr. Nana Kofi AnnanSchool of Computing and Technology
Dr. Bright G. MawudorBusiness School
Dr. Angela K. AcheampongSchool of Nursing
Mrs. Comfort A.B AsareLibrarian
Mrs. Loretta S. TettehStudents Affairs
Prof Kofi A. Osei Accounting, Banking and Finance
Prof. Edmund Kwaw Faculty of Law
Dr. George Asante Center for Continuous and Prof. Education
Dr. Yaw Asante Economics
Mrs. Mateko Okantey Business Computing
Dr. Kwesi Addei Mensah General Business Studies
Dr. Evelyn J. Mandor Language Arts
Dr. Charles Acheampong Dir. Centre for Professional Studies
Dr. Margaret Ansre Examinations Officer
Mr. Sosthenes Kufogbe Development and Environmental Studies
Ms. Rejoice Nutakor Midwifery & Public Health Nursing
Mrs. Elizabeth Peka-Quao Community Health Nursing
Mrs. Philomina Amevor General Nursing
Dr. Patrick Kudjo Information Technology
Mrs. Vida Asante Boateng HR and Marketing Studies
Mrs. Baaba Cofie Communication Studies
Mr. Moses Azameti City Campus Coordinator
Mr. Elias Megbetor Weekend School Coordinator
Mr. Joseph Gyimah Evening School Coordinator
Ms. Elizabeth A. Abbey Career and Counselling Services Center
Mr. Emmanuel D.K Esson Music
Mr. Dennis Soku English Proficiency
Dr. George S.K. Akorfu Dir. Exams, Program Plan & Devt.
Dr. Daniel Oduro Mensah Educational Studies
Dr. Boni Yao Gebe International Affairs
Mrs. Evelyn Serwah Ameyaw Coordinator, Mature Students Program
Mr. Leonard Kyei Mathematical Application
Dr. Mrs. A.E.G Ghans-Lartey Operational Management and Information Systems
Mr. Jacob FynnChief Operating Officer
Ms. Samira AdamDirector, Finance
Mr. Nurudeen MohammedDirector of Public Affairs and Marketing
Mrs. Esther AgbekoHuman Resource
Mr. Ebenezer AmuasiDirector, International Relations
Mr. Edwin AgbahAg. Director, ICT
Ms. Joyce LarteyAcademic Affairs
Dr. Delali K. F. HodasiPrincipal Medical Officer
Prof. K. Sraku-Lartey Head, Kumasi campus
Dr. Kwasi Otu Darko - Ampem Assistant University Librarian
Mrs. Elizabeth Acheampong Vice Dean of Students
Mr. M. L. Diedhiou Dean, Bus. Sch & In Charge: QAIRU
Dr. Mrs. Mary Amoah Coordinator, School of Nursing
Mr. Francis Sawyerr Operations Manager and Head HR
Mr E. Fosu-Kwarteng Asst. Registrar (PAM & HRM)
Mrs. Wilhelmima Tagoe Senior Coordinator School of Nursing/Student Affairs
Dr. Alfred Fofie Dean, Law Faculty
Dr. Mrs. Mary Amoah Coordinator, School of Nursing
Mr. M. L Diedhiou Dean, Business School & In Charge: QAIRU
Dr. Kwasi Otu Darko-Ampem Assistant University Librarian
Mrs. Wilhelmina Tagoe Senior Coordinator School of Nursing/Student Affairs
Mr. Emmanuel Fosu-Kwarteng Asst. Registrar (PA&M and HRM)
Mr. Francis Sawyer Operations Manager