Memorable experiences shared by Nura Mohammed, Umar Atiku, Rabiu Muhammed Ango and Delhatu Abdullahi fresh Graduands of Wisconsin International University College Ghana (WIUC-GH) students on Scholarship from Sokoto State of Nigeria. 

Nura Mohammed who began the conversation mentioned that Wisconsin had left an indelible mark in lives. Nura mentioned that the institution had impacted academic and general knowledge which will come in handy as they return to serve their country.

Umar Atiku, also a graduate of the WIUC-GH School of Nursing could not hide how impressed he was with the facilities of the University.” My fondest memories are the clinical practice we are given at the well-equipped University skills lab and hospitals with various procedures hitherto I was not exposed to and have really prepared to perform better back in my country”.

Mohammed Ango commended the University for the Facilities and mentioned that it was key in enhancing knowledge as well as improving efficiency in terms of health care delivery. He commended management as well for their assistance and was particularly impressed about how the online lectures were handled which he said was instrumental in avoiding further delay in school.

With what he will miss at Wisconsin he mentioned the very conducive atmosphere for teaching and learning. “The library was always available and quiet which was so helpful to people who can study more in such an environment, the hospitable nature of my colleagues during study group meetings and other academic projects contributed to my success in this institution”.

These students are Diploma Nurses from the Usman Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital of the Republic of Nigeria who were on scholarship to upgrade their qualification and skills at Wisconsin International University College of Ghana School of Nursing.

Articles: 194