Abissa Amoin Rebecca and Attoumoh Marie-Tiphaine, both Ivorians are pursuing a Bachelor of Business Studies at Wisconsin International University College, Ghana (WIUC-Ghana). As part of their studies and co-curricular activities, the pair participated in the university’s maiden Entrepreneurship Challenge, 2023, which is geared towards providing a platform for young entrepreneurs to pitch their business ideas or start-ups with the opportunity to be coached.

Rebecca and Marie, with a brilliant pitch, introduced their budding pancake brand, SAMADERIA; earning them the first position in the competition. SAMADERIA was crafted by merging the initials of their first names and incorporating an Italian word that translates to “Pancake”.
From Strangers to Business Partners
Rebecca and Marie first met as international freshmen from the neighbouring Ivory Coast, still adjusting to their new surroundings. In the process of finding accommodations, their friendship began and grew when they rented an apartment close to one another.
Rebecca had the opportunity to taste Marie’s homemade pancakes, which she enjoyed and later introduced Marie to the idea of making them for sale. That was the beginning of SAMADERIA; Rebecca and Marie’s pancake business.
The pair saw the opportunity to serve the Ghanaian market with unique flavours that they had grown up enjoying in their home country, beginning with the process of developing and experimenting with recipes and sourcing affordable ingredients.
Rebecca and Marie’s friendship blossomed from their shared experience as international students to a joint business venture. The pair continue to grow their business while envisioning Samaderia becoming a successful, well-known company with a wide-ranging menu and a large staff.
The choice of a program of study at the university is influenced by a variety of factors, ranging from family and peer influence to financial consideration, and personal interest.
Rebecca reveals that amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, she had enough quiet time for introspection and found a passion for Business Studies. Her journey of self-examination during the challenging time serves as a great example of how people can use their downtime to discover new passions and interests.
Rebecca wants to continue to study for a Master of Arts in International Relations. When asked why International Relations? “Because I want to travel the world,” a promising Rebecca shares with much hope for a fulfilling future.
On her part, Marie was already clear on what career path she wants to go on and demonstrated her potential and love for figures by interning as a treasurer for small social groups during her Senior High School days. Marie is not only passionate about Business Studies but also desires to become multi-lingual. “The only reason I decided to study in Ghana was because I wanted to travel and learn English.” She adds.
After her undergraduate studies, Marie aspires to continue with an MBA in Accounting and looks forward to thriving into a diligent and knowledgeable professional accountant in the future.
The pair’s destinies found a connection thanks to Rebecca’s self-discovering moment during the lockdown lost time and Marie’s passionate desire to travel and learn English. Though dreams dreamt far apart, somehow found a way to connect, birthing a beautiful vision, SAMADERIA.
Their dreams, like whispered sighs in the night, danced on separate horizons; yet as fate may have it, their paths were forced to intertwine and harmonize in their mystical guise.