Newly Appointed Interim Alumni Association Executives Visit Wiuc-Ghana

The newly appointed interim alumni association led by their President Oscar Tei- Mensah has paid a visit to the Accra Campus of WIUC-GH.  The other executives who joined the President were Vice President Princess Anni, Organizer Desmond Ollenu, Public Relations Officer Obed Donkor, Financial Secretary Zemmewe Bashiru, and Head of Programs Rosina Osabu. The alumni executives were taken around on a tour to appraise themselves with developments over the years after their graduation.

The Interim Alumni Executives met with Chancellor

Meeting with management President of the Alumni Oscar Tei- Mensah said their visit was to familiarize themselves with the facilities and see what part they as alumni could play in contributing their quota and explore ways management could assist the alumni as well.

Vice President (Dr. Lawrence Kannae) and other management of WIUC-Ghana met with the Interim Alumni Executive

Vice President of WIUC-GH Dr. Lawrence Kannae welcomed the interim alumni executives and commended them for accepting such a responsibility and urged them to put in the hard work to properly revive the WIUC-GH alumni.

Interim Alumni Executive Interview Session at Wisconsin Radio

Raised at the meeting by the alumni were certain activities they were planning to undertake which were the tour they embarked, as well as registration of the alumni at the upcoming graduation, a Senior High School tour, and most importantly a fundraising program to try and strengthen the alumni association financially.

Interim Alumni Executive at the Music School

The executive body appealed to management to lend their support in the activities they had outlined as part of plans to revamp the alumni association. The interim executives commended management on new developments like the Neurodiagnostic Centre and the music studio they visit on campus.

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