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President of Mt. St. Joseph university, USA visits WIUC-Ghana

A high-powered delegation from Mount St Joseph University in Ohio Cincinnati, USA led by its President Dr. James Williams has paid a working
visit to Wisconsin International University College Ghana. This visit is to explore opportunities for possible collaboration between the two institutions.

Officials from Mount St. Joseph University granting an interview at School of Communication Broadcasting studio(Wisconsin Radio)

The delegation as part of their visit toured the two campuses of Wisconsin International University College in Accra and Kumasi and saw first-hand the drive to promote experiential learning at Wisconsin aimed at producing high-quality graduates for the subregion.

Officials of Mount St. Joseph University in a shot with the studio engineer (Music studio)

The visiting team were elated at the level of infrastructural investment done to promote practical learning in all facets of the university. The leader of the delegation Dr. James Williams added that his University was big on programs like Early Childhood Education, Nursing, and Health Sciences both at the undergraduate and post-graduate levels and hopeful for partnership in these areas.

Officials from Mt St. Joseph witnessing a demonstration at the skills laboratory (School of Nursing)

He was optimistic that aside exchange programme, the two universities will find common ground in the introduction of high level professional courses which he says is increasingly gaining the attention of many who are seeking higher education training.

The President of WIUC-GH and Mount St. Joseph University holding T-shirts of both Universities

At a meeting with top management of the Wisconsin University chaired by the Chancellor of WIUC-GH Dr.Paul Fynn, members expressed the desire to partner the Mount St Joseph University with the Chancellor sanctioned ad-hoc committee to quickly work on the modalities for rolling out the partnership programme, especially in areas concerning accreditation and grade transfer.

Officials of Mount St. Joseph University and the Chancellor WIUC-GH in a meeting

Also present at the meeting were the Deans and Heads of Departments who also took their turns to share ideas with Mount. St. Joseph University.

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