A freshman at the Wisconsin International University College (WIUC-GH) pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Business Studies Miss. Vanessa Esi Gand was filled with delight at the level of organization and groundwork put in place by the University to usher in freshers at the start of the 2020/21 academic year. 

Vanessa expressed particular interest in the infrastructure side of things which offers students the opportunity of experiential learning with facilities such as the library, Law moot court, nursing skills laboratory, broadcast studio and many others. She further commended management of the university the huge investment in saying “I am really impressed with what am seeing Wisconsin is really big on making students practice what they learn in class and I think the university management have done so well” meanwhile despite being a Business student, Vanessa has expressed desire and enthusiasm at the opportunity to volunteer as a broadcaster on Wisconsin Radio powered by the Communication Studies Broadcasting Studio (WISCONSIN RADIO).

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