The Wisconsin International University College School of Nursing has successfully organized a 3-day online mock examination; the first of its kind for final year students who are preparing for the Nursing and Midwifery Council licensure exam scheduled for the 20th -23rd July, 2020.  

The maiden online licensure exam will have students take over 36,000 volumes of random objective questions including papers in Medical and Surgical Nursing, Medicine & Medical Nursing and General paper to be written throughout a 3-day period along with the practical. Wisconsin ICT would host over 300 students across the country who would sit for the examination. 

Co-ordinator of the Mock exercise and lecturer at the faculty of Nursing Mr. Alhassan Sibdow mentioned that the faculty has taken the students through a comprehensive revision system as well as constant practice on how to answer questions online prior to the mock. He added that Management of WIUC-GH has also been very supportive and timely with the interventions put in place to make the process smooth. 

Mr. Alhassan Sibdow stated that the licensure examination is a measure of the quality of training being given to students, adding that the good performance of the student is a reflection of the hard work lecturers put in to preparing students.

Management of Wisconsin have had to procure additional computers and accessories to ensure the success and smooth running of the mock and licensure exam. 

Students are required to pass both the licensure examination as well as the practical before being issued a Nursing and Midwifery Council license to practice. 

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